Friday, April 28, 2006
I was in Michael's yesterday, poking around the store for this and that. There was a young mom kind of doing the same thing but she had her adorable little 3-ish year old boy in the cart. He was jabbering nonstop, very pleasantly, just observing everything and playing make-believe with every observation. I could tell what mom was stopping to look at just by listening to the little boy's semi-babytalk comments.
I was enjoying it and smiling when all of the sudden I heard him yell, "lyin' pig!"
I wanted to rush over to see who he was talking to. I mean, he had just been so pleasant and sweet, and now all of the sudden he was lashing out? Could it be his brother? Dad? Mom? Did he see a neighbor or pre-school classmate or worse, teacher? And the wierd thing was, his mom, who had been pleasantly responding to him all along didn't even shush him or respond in anyway. I tried to walk non-chalantly over to their aisle. When I got there, I saw him pointing across the store to the other side of the room. I looked over expecting to see who this alleged lying pig was, but instead saw on the wall, a poster. It was an animal poster with, what else?
A lion and a pig. Duh, kid. Enunciate, will you!
I was enjoying it and smiling when all of the sudden I heard him yell, "lyin' pig!"
I wanted to rush over to see who he was talking to. I mean, he had just been so pleasant and sweet, and now all of the sudden he was lashing out? Could it be his brother? Dad? Mom? Did he see a neighbor or pre-school classmate or worse, teacher? And the wierd thing was, his mom, who had been pleasantly responding to him all along didn't even shush him or respond in anyway. I tried to walk non-chalantly over to their aisle. When I got there, I saw him pointing across the store to the other side of the room. I looked over expecting to see who this alleged lying pig was, but instead saw on the wall, a poster. It was an animal poster with, what else?
A lion and a pig. Duh, kid. Enunciate, will you!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Do you know how much ibuprofin cost? A small fortune! And I'm not talkin' Advil, here. Just the plain old generic-store-brand-creep-down-your-throat-before-getting-stuck-in-your-esophogus type. Yeah. You know. I spent $15 on the big bottle the other day, because it was only $2 more than the one 1/2 it's size. Packaging I guess.
So anyway, because I only got one bottle, I poured some into a little plastic container to keep in the medicine chest upstairs. And wouldn't you know it, tonight, while taking out the dental floss, I knocked the little plastic thing of pills into the sink which was already wet from the tooth brushing routine. KRIPES! (as my mom used to say) Hundreds of little valuable rust colored pills sitting there disintigrating before my very eyes. And there I was madly scooping them out to try to save them. It felt like gold or diamonds going right down the drain! Now they are sitting on the counter drying out. Randy thinks I'm disgusting. I prefer to call it good stewardship. Life is so stressful.
So anyway, because I only got one bottle, I poured some into a little plastic container to keep in the medicine chest upstairs. And wouldn't you know it, tonight, while taking out the dental floss, I knocked the little plastic thing of pills into the sink which was already wet from the tooth brushing routine. KRIPES! (as my mom used to say) Hundreds of little valuable rust colored pills sitting there disintigrating before my very eyes. And there I was madly scooping them out to try to save them. It felt like gold or diamonds going right down the drain! Now they are sitting on the counter drying out. Randy thinks I'm disgusting. I prefer to call it good stewardship. Life is so stressful.
Monday, April 17, 2006
And Then Came Nate!

Awesome! Nathaniel Jacob; Than; Thanny; Thanny-osle-berry. Nate, by any name, is still the most perfect 2nd baby we could have ever hoped for. We're so glad you were born! Happy birthday, Nate. No, you're not a kid anymore. But you are one awesome young man, and we're darn proud to be your mom and dad.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
The Magic Castle

Check it out. Mike, the CPA at my work, celebrated the end of tax season by taking us all to the Magic Castle last night. It was awesome! The food was amazing and the performances were even better. If you like illusion, slight of hand, and prestidigitation, you'd love the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Could someone tell me how this works?
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