Saturday, April 07, 2007

Here's a little tip...

If you want to pass a garbage truck, find out which side the driver is sitting on (different trucks, different sides, go figure) and STAY AWAY FROM THAT SIDE! Case in point: Yesterday I did just the opposite. Bad choice. How was I supposed to know that trash truck drivers feel the whole world is open territory for hocking their unwanted loogies (sp?). This one ended up on my windshield!!! Now that is just plain wrong. What if I had been in a convertable or riding a motorcycle. I so wanted to give him the special sign but I found out from Riley the other day that kids who "say" the middle finger get sentences.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Camping List: Hairy Back? Check.

When checking off the list of outdoor adventure gear, I never thought to add hairy back! But all these years Randy has been bringing (and using) his without having to be reminded. But this weekend, camping in Death Valley, I finally learned what he brings it for. Did you know that you can easily tell which direction the wind is coming from by how it feels on your little back and belly hairs? (Only hairy people can appreciate) And all these years, Randy has known right where to place the camp stove, trash bag, clothes line, and other wind related items, just by stepping out of the car, pulling off his shirt and having a look around. Who knew? (Once again, only the hairy)

Anyway, we had a great time in Death Valley, even if we did mention how we wished the rest of the family was there at least every 15 minutes or so. We got to spend some much needed quiet time. And there is ALOT of quiet in Death Valley. It always makes me kind of sad when we go down there and I see everything named after the enemy of our souls. Devil's this and Hell's that. I mean, I understand how it happened, it is very harsh and rugged. But when you look closely you realized how amazing God is to have created a place like Death Valley. It just makes me appreciate His creativity, His beauty, His greatness. And it helps me put my little (yet precious to God) life into perspective.

We spent alot of time this weekend reading a book called The Barbarian Way. I recommend it wholeheartedly. We don't know what to do with what We've read yet, but in our lives of transitioning from child raising to other stuff ???? we know God is calling us further. To what, we don't really know. Maybe just a day-to-day, "what do you want me to do this very day?" life style, or maybe something else. We'll see.

By the way, that's NOT Randy's back pictured above. I just found it on the internet when I googled "hairy man" (I don't recommend doing that, by the way). His is much tanner!!! I promised him I'd let everyone know that.


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