Saturday, July 08, 2006

30 years!

30 years, originally uploaded by randy and jacquie.

Finally got some pictures on flickr of our Alaska trip. Click on the glacier to see more. Unfotunately I was still getting used to our new camera, and the battery ran out at once in the Denali National Wildlife Preserve (we saw tons of great wildlife) and then again right before we reached the face of the Glaceir on our day-cruise. Oh well, it was great and you kind of had to be there anyway.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Kingdomist Principle: No Generation Gap

So I was talking to "someone" the other day and I mentioned that it's probably inevitable that your kids think you are "out of it" at some point. Then I started thinking. The ideal situation is when the old folks carry the wisdom of experience ( That's not saying that ALL old folks are wise) and the young folks carry the knowledge of new exploration and the two respect one another so much that they can learn and receive from each other. New Knowledge brings inspiration to Godly Wisdom, and Godly Wisdom brings direction to New Knowledge.

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