Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Going to the fireworks? Don't forget your helmet!

3 funny things that Levi has said recently:

1.) When he was at our house the other day, I asked him where his dad was. He said, "work". I asked him where his dad worked. He answered, "Space." I asked him what he meant. He said, "Out there in the sky. At the moon. " And he was serious.

2.) I was on the phone to Levi and told him that I had a new stuffed monkey at our house for him to play with. I said that it was big, about 2 feet tall. He say, "Wow. That is so amazing!" I don't know if he was humoring me or really thought it was amazing.

3.) Nate said that they were getting ready to watch the fireworks, and Levi kept trying to put his helmet on. Nate kept taking it off of him, saying that they were not riding bikes, just walking, until Levi finally started to get upset. Come to find out, he was trying to protect himself so the fireworks wouldn't hit him in the head when they came back down.

I love the way kids see things.

What? No Salmon?

That's right. We were told by the locals in Idaho that there really are no Salmon in the Salmon River. I wasn't really surprised, I know that's the case in alot of northern rivers.
Anyway, we had a great time in Idaho and I'm actually starting to enjoy the PEOPLE of the areas we go to as much (more?) as the beauty of the area itself. And believe me, there are some beautiful areas in Idaho. This picture is looking out our hotel balcony at the Salmon River.

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