Friday, November 30, 2007

Deputy John E. Burt

On Nov. 30, 2007 John Burt graduated from the Ventura County Peace Officer Academy! It was a really moving ceremony. I feel so blessed to know John. What an awesome guy! Congratulations Sheriff John!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Messiah's Mansion

Tonight we experienced something super cool! It's called Messiah's Mansion, a full scale model of the Mosaic tabernacle. It will be stationed at the 7th Day Adventist Church in Ventura for the next 7 days. It's open from 1:00-7:00 each day.
Anyway, it was so interesting to see all the items of the courtyard and the sanctuary, but what was really moving was hearing how each item and ritual pointed to our Savior, Jesus Christ. The tour guides are high school students, and to hear the passion in our guide's voice as he shared that Jesus was the fulfillment of every requirement of the law was just awesome!
Everyone should come see this. Kid's included. I'll be there to welcome you if you come on Monday or Friday between 5 and 7!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Uhmm... he's 3!?

Levi and Papa were setting up the train set this weekend. After they got it all put together, Papa showed Levi how to hook the trains up and make them go. Levi worked on it for a while and got it pretty well figured out. I realized he had achieved victory when I heard him scream, "Let it go, Baby!" as his train made the first trip around the track.

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