Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This happened a while ago, but I haven't talked about it much, so here it is.
A few weeks ago, Randy and I were visiting Son #2. We were sitting down to dinner and Son #2 asked HIS son if he would like to pray. Oh brother! I expected a sigh and a pair of pleading eyes begging to be let off the hook. That wasn't the case. Grandson #1 was eager. He happily said, "Yeah!"
OK. Now what? "Thanks for the food. Please don't let it be gross. Let me get to stay up late. " ???
No. That's not what he said. It was more like this. "Thank you for loving us. Thank you for giving us good food to eat. I'm glad Mama Jac and Papa came to visit. " He talked to God as if they were friends. It was as if we weren't even there. He sounded authentically grateful.
Why am I talking about this? Bragging? My grandson is holy-er than yours?
Well, no. He's a regular little kid. But, what Papa and I realized is this: Our little grandson, whom we love with all of our hearts, will be spending eternity praising our Loving Father together with us!
There is a certain level of significance that is achieved by careers, inventions, and accomplishments. True. But every human achievement pales in comparison with the impartation of the saving power of God's love to the next generation. No invention, high powered career, or any other human accomplishment can compare with this legacy!
You want to do something meaningful with your life? Share your faith in Jesus Christ with the next generation.
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18
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