Thursday, July 28, 2005
So... Back to the Jumping Beans

Yes. Back to the subject of Mexican Jumping Beans. Did anyone have the time to check out the web site I posted? Well, if not just type in jumping beans as your search and you will get lots of great info. See, my co-worker came home from her vacation at Rosarita Beach and brought us all gifts. They were little clear plastic boxes of beans. Cool! I needed one of those. I set it on my desk. They (actually the little bug inside) jumped and jumped and jumped, making little clicking noises (kind of like the sound people make when they are snapping the little clip thing on a pen). Finally, when everyone in the office was about to go nuts, we put them in our desk drawers and forgot about them. I got curious a few days later and decided to open one up. Yep! Little gross bug inside. By the next day, he had covered himself in a cocoon. I guess he didn’t like his invasion of privacy. Anyway, it’s been about 3 weeks now, and no one is jumping anymore. I think I have a mass Mexican Jumping Bean grave site in my desk drawer. I was thinking of examining the remains, but I’m not really that interested. It’s disrespectful to disturb the dead anyway. Right?
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Whatever you do, do not make a park out of the box they are in. That would be incredibly disrespectful. Instead, leave that box right where it is with the dead worms in it taking up space in your drawer. If you were to need that space or the box in the future, don't even think about it. Dead bodies (worms in this case) are holy and must not be molested. Or is it the memory of the dead bodies that is sacrosanct? Whatever it is, don't let anyone make practical use of that box or space the box occupies. Especially white people.
dang. I already have a sign put up. "Hispanic Jumping Legume Cemetery Park" (don't want to step on any ethnic toes) I have actually designated an area of my drawer where other insects may come and defecate, and live jumpings beans may come and have lunch and throw frizbees and practice martial arts. it's a beautiful thing.
Put some broccoli in your drawer too for some trees and voila! Now your beans can marry amongst the defecating insects and flying frisbees.
my beady eye blog got messed up when kenny and i were trying to start his blog and we accidentally signed him up on mine. then his first post over-ridded mine. whatever. i don't know what happened. but the little green man disappeared. but that reminds me of something else... next time.
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