Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The Mummy

so. i oppened the coffin and examined the mummy. i had to smash the bean shell with needle nose pliers, then pick out the mummified worm with a staple remover. (you use what the office has to offer) inside, i found a hard dried up little worm, about 1/4" long. dead, of course. i can only deduce that the rest of the 5 are dead too. i was just wondering how this race of people survives since as long as i've been around every border town in mexico, california, arizona, new mexico and texas, have been selling these little cocoons by the truck load to every little tourist who comes along.
in one of my next blogs i will be discussing the new political activist group: CAEMJB-
Citizens Against the Exploitation of Mexican Jumping Beans.
Where is the fiscal accountablility among Mexican Jumping Bean venders? Is harvesting of Jumping Beans for profit ethical? And the ultimate, Where does all the Mexican Jumping Bean Profit go? You'll be suprised to find out. Don't miss this!
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