Monday, September 05, 2005
When I Grow Down...

God's Word says that unless we are converted (changed, turned around) and become like little children we will not experience the Kingdom of God.
Just the other day I saw little Isaiah "walking" into the auditorium holding on to his daddy's finger. Isaiah is about 12 months old. I was making a fuss of his walking capabilities, but his dad said bluntly "he's not walking". Well, it looked like walking to me. One foot in front of the other. Not a care in the world. Just troopin' along. Then his dad showed me what he meant. He took his finger away and Isaiah immediately started to wobble, he looked around frightend, waved his arm around grasping for his dad's hand again, and abruptly sat down in the middle of the aisle.
Wow, it hit me! We are always wanting to grow up. We think everyone should grow up. It's natural to grow up. But in God's society, the more like Isaiah we are, the better. So now I want to grow down.
When I "grow down":
- I'm never going to walk anywhere unless I'm holding onto my Daddy's hand.
- I'll be happy, carefree and brave when I am holding on to my Daddy's hand.
- The minute I sense my hand moving away from Daddy's I will grasp back on and hold tight.
- If I ever realize that I've gotten too far to grab on again, I will sit down where I am and not move again until my hand is in Daddy's again.
So, why don't you just grow down, too?
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NOD as in old ladies nodding during the sermon, or NOD as in "nodding off to sleep", or one of those upward nods as if to say "o-ta-lay, was-up?"
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