Friday, January 27, 2006

Birds Are Cool

When you live in town, you don't really see alot of wildlife. But, all you have to do is take a walk in the early morning and the bird life gives you a little feel for the WILD.

This week I found that there are 2 very large red tailed hawks living in the eucalyptus trees in the barranca near the Community Park. I saw one fly to a branch with something in its talons and start to pick away at it. Ewwww, but exciting too! Also, while at the park, I saw 6 Canada geese circling around, honking like banchees (did you know banchees honk?). I realize they just live next door in the Lemon Grove Mobile Home Village, but it was neat to see them flying and, you know, like I said, honking.

Yesterday, on the River View walking trail, I saw a huge raven, competing with a small red tail for the territory. Raven was screaming at Hawk to get out, but Hawk just kept dipping and diving and poking fun at Raven. It was like a school bully teasing the unpopular kid. Then at the end of the trail, a huge Blue Heron glided by in front of me totally silently.

And did you know hummingbirds screech? I saw 2 as I got out of my car at work yesterday. When they are paired off, (I don't know if they are mating or fighting. Probably both if they mate for life.) they race around the air chasing one another and chirping obsenities. They fly like 500 mph, or something like that, so it's hard to understand what they are saying, but it's fun to see.

So, in summary, I would like to say, I like birds.

Did you know that there are seagulls in Kansas? Though I didn't see any myself while I was there, my friend Angie said that she's she a few. Weird! How'd they get there?!?
My guess is they flew there.
The commonly used name "seagull" is a little deceptive. There is not actually a specie of gull with that name. Ring-bill gulls, along with others, can be found across North America. They like trash, and we all know that there is plenty of "trash" in the midwest.
Oh, stop that! Birds are cool but bird guns are cooler.
Nick, just remember, you were a product of the midwest too. I believe that your birth certificate does say "Arkansas".
oooooo! Moded!
He's not a product of the midwest, acutally. Worse! He's from "The South"! Ouch! We call him Nicky-bob.
I had this conversation with Randy Jr last night. Arkansas, to some, is considered the midwest. To others, it's the south. I think of it as the midwest. Randy was arguing about my opinion last night and trying to convince me that it's a southern state. Why would it be a southern state when it is exactly at the same level as Oklahoma (which is NOT a southern state) but Arkansas is directly below Missouri (which is considered the midwest)?!? Ok. I'm done.
Nicky Bob is a cute name. I think I'll have to call him that for now on.
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