Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Rural Legend

Ya know those big plastic owls that people put on their roof because they think they keep other annoying real birds and critters away?
Remember in the movie The Birds, that part where the lady is walking the girl down the street and all the black birds are covering the street and lawns and cars making those creepy clicking and squawking noises?
Well, I was out taking my walk this morning, and I heard that noise! I looked up at a big ham-radio antennae one of our neighbors has on his house and it was covered with crows. They were just sitting there all still, making that creepy noise. It was kind of cool actually. But the funny part was, right in the middle of the flock of crows, hanging down off one of the antennae arms, was one of those big owls! He was just hanging there helpless while all the crows laughed at him.
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I didn't know that that's what those owls are for! I was wondering why someone would post an ugly owl up on their back deck. I just thought the resin owls were lawn ornaments. Learn something new everyday!
Yeah. Starlings are bad news and can be destructive. Unless you have a huge garden out back and you want them to eat all your bugs. In that case you build (or buy one at "Handy's Hardware") one of those high-rise bird apartment buildings and start renting them out real cheap.
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