Friday, April 28, 2006


I was in Michael's yesterday, poking around the store for this and that. There was a young mom kind of doing the same thing but she had her adorable little 3-ish year old boy in the cart. He was jabbering nonstop, very pleasantly, just observing everything and playing make-believe with every observation. I could tell what mom was stopping to look at just by listening to the little boy's semi-babytalk comments.

I was enjoying it and smiling when all of the sudden I heard him yell, "lyin' pig!"

I wanted to rush over to see who he was talking to. I mean, he had just been so pleasant and sweet, and now all of the sudden he was lashing out? Could it be his brother? Dad? Mom? Did he see a neighbor or pre-school classmate or worse, teacher? And the wierd thing was, his mom, who had been pleasantly responding to him all along didn't even shush him or respond in anyway. I tried to walk non-chalantly over to their aisle. When I got there, I saw him pointing across the store to the other side of the room. I looked over expecting to see who this alleged lying pig was, but instead saw on the wall, a poster. It was an animal poster with, what else?

A lion and a pig
. Duh, kid. Enunciate, will you!

Yeah. That's kind of like the time I said I need a "bench" and Martha thought I said "$#@!*". Maybe it's not kind of like that at all. I just thought it was funny. I need to enunciate my words more. I have that midwestern thang goin where all ma wurds run together.
Ha Ha! Cute story!
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