Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Wrong Room!

Funny thing happened to me the other day on the way to the bathroom. We were at Chuy's because we heard there was going to be this awesome band playing, LIVE! And there was. I knew it was Tony Cicero's group. I had never met Tony, but that's OK. It sounded fun. Then when we got there we saw Joe Baugh and found out that it was his group too. Cool. They were great. I think Joe is amazing on the electric guitar.
So. Have you ever been to those establishments where they make the door signs funny just to mess you up? Well it's not that funny. I stood there and deliberately pointed to the letters W-O-M-A-N written in those wierd fat yellow letters with pink borders, before I went in. They were like the letters all the girls in high school write with to be cute. (You know, Jacquie Loves Randy on your peechee folder.) As I opened the door, my first sense to come alive was my sense of smell. Yuk. Smells like pee in here! Then my eye was drawn to a funny little toilet with no lid. Ummm. Something's not right, but it's too late to turn back without drawing attention to myself. Final clue: a guy walked in behind me. As I turned back around laughing nervously (kind of glad there was no on in the bathroom before me) the guy said, "Wrong room." As I walked back to my table, I looked back at the door which said plainly, M-E-N. I don't know. I think they changed it while I was in there.
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