Saturday, July 01, 2006
Kingdomist Principle: No Generation Gap
So I was talking to "someone" the other day and I mentioned that it's probably inevitable that your kids think you are "out of it" at some point. Then I started thinking. The ideal situation is when the old folks carry the wisdom of experience ( That's not saying that ALL old folks are wise) and the young folks carry the knowledge of new exploration and the two respect one another so much that they can learn and receive from each other. New Knowledge brings inspiration to Godly Wisdom, and Godly Wisdom brings direction to New Knowledge.
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Ok, now that I get this post (after having it explained to me), I would like to officially say that I agree.
:-) Sorry for leaving you hanging comment-less for so long, Jac. xoxo
:-) Sorry for leaving you hanging comment-less for so long, Jac. xoxo
I’m assuming that you are one of my jokester friends/family and you are clowing around, but just in case you are really Mr./Mrs. Anonymous I’ll take the bait. Hope you feel in the mood to read.
“Holy Book” The holy book that I choose to believe as truth is the Bible. So everything else I say is written from the perspective of the Bible being the Words of God.
“Chapter and Verse” Here is a mistake a lot of Bible believers take: They use ONE verse from ONE chapter from the Bible and form a whole doctrine or philosophy around it. I am not doing that. So I don’t have “a” chapter or “a” verse. Instead, I believe in listening to the whole word of God and observing how the truth of His world plays out in the world around us to help us understand it. Then we should establish our beliefs based on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
“Kingdomist Principal” This is my own made up terminology, made up by me in response to the question of whether I am a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Purist, Communist, Conservative, Anarchist, etc. It refers to the principles that (in my opinion) seem to me to be in line with King Jesus and His teachings, once again based on reading the Bible and observation of the tiny part of the universe in which I live.
About the Old Wisdom and New Knowledge:
Re: New Knowledge
Yes, the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. And, I learned in 5th grade that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another (something like that), except by God. He created something out of nothing. Maybe He still does.
But the Bible does talk about God DOING new things.
Isaiah 42:9 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."
Isaiah 65:17 Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Romans 6:4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
My Observations: Young (in age) people tend to be more open to new information, ideas and possibilities than old folks. I’m sure there are a lot of reasons for this, and it’s not a hard-fast rule. But since it is part of God’s creative genius to DO new things, it follows that it’s probably a good thing to be open to new ideas and possibilities. New knowledge brings inspiration to Godly Wisdom.
Re: Old Wisdom
I also realize that not ALL old people are wise. Some old people are bitter, some are selfish. There is more to wisdom than just adding years to your life. By the same token, to be young is not to say one is unwise. Wisdom comes to those who value it and seek it with humility.
there are so many Bible verses on Wisdom I decided no to list them here. They can be found easily by doing a word search on "wisdom".
My Observations: I am wiser today than I was 30 years ago, I think. The longer one lives on this earth, the more experience one has to interpret life with. Therefore, if one is diligent to use the Scriptures as a guide for truth, and careful to observe life with humility, one can gain much wisdom that one could not have had at an earlier stage of life. Godly Wisdom brings direction to New Knowledge.
Therefore I feel that the age old “generation gap” cop-out is not within the Kingdomist Principles, however respect and willingness to learn from one another is.
There ya go.
“Holy Book” The holy book that I choose to believe as truth is the Bible. So everything else I say is written from the perspective of the Bible being the Words of God.
“Chapter and Verse” Here is a mistake a lot of Bible believers take: They use ONE verse from ONE chapter from the Bible and form a whole doctrine or philosophy around it. I am not doing that. So I don’t have “a” chapter or “a” verse. Instead, I believe in listening to the whole word of God and observing how the truth of His world plays out in the world around us to help us understand it. Then we should establish our beliefs based on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
“Kingdomist Principal” This is my own made up terminology, made up by me in response to the question of whether I am a Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Purist, Communist, Conservative, Anarchist, etc. It refers to the principles that (in my opinion) seem to me to be in line with King Jesus and His teachings, once again based on reading the Bible and observation of the tiny part of the universe in which I live.
About the Old Wisdom and New Knowledge:
Re: New Knowledge
Yes, the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. And, I learned in 5th grade that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another (something like that), except by God. He created something out of nothing. Maybe He still does.
But the Bible does talk about God DOING new things.
Isaiah 42:9 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."
Isaiah 65:17 Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Romans 6:4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
My Observations: Young (in age) people tend to be more open to new information, ideas and possibilities than old folks. I’m sure there are a lot of reasons for this, and it’s not a hard-fast rule. But since it is part of God’s creative genius to DO new things, it follows that it’s probably a good thing to be open to new ideas and possibilities. New knowledge brings inspiration to Godly Wisdom.
Re: Old Wisdom
I also realize that not ALL old people are wise. Some old people are bitter, some are selfish. There is more to wisdom than just adding years to your life. By the same token, to be young is not to say one is unwise. Wisdom comes to those who value it and seek it with humility.
there are so many Bible verses on Wisdom I decided no to list them here. They can be found easily by doing a word search on "wisdom".
My Observations: I am wiser today than I was 30 years ago, I think. The longer one lives on this earth, the more experience one has to interpret life with. Therefore, if one is diligent to use the Scriptures as a guide for truth, and careful to observe life with humility, one can gain much wisdom that one could not have had at an earlier stage of life. Godly Wisdom brings direction to New Knowledge.
Therefore I feel that the age old “generation gap” cop-out is not within the Kingdomist Principles, however respect and willingness to learn from one another is.
There ya go.
I'm wide awake at 5:30. Yeah! That was evil me from Madrid and I was only sort of joking. I feel--but I don't trust my feelings--the same way that a generation gap is bad, but I just wanted to hear why you thought it deserved the title of kingdomist principle. No offense but it still sounds like it's more of a lovey, hippie principle than a kingdomist principle to me. God doing new things old people have a hard time understanding ... meh. Deffinetly don't get that. Yet anyways.
P.S. - By saying chapter and verse I wasn't asking for one specific chapter and verse, unless there is one that says, "And Jesus said, 'Generation gap, bad. Big dinner party, good. Hippies using soap, super good.'" I just wanted to hear how you thought the Bible advocated such an idea, because I started thinking about it and I didn't know for sure. There must be some sort of special position an idea in the Bible to be given the special title of kingdomist principle, right? Or else I think having wine (or beer) with dinner should also be added to kingdomist principle list and followed diligently.
P.S. - By saying chapter and verse I wasn't asking for one specific chapter and verse, unless there is one that says, "And Jesus said, 'Generation gap, bad. Big dinner party, good. Hippies using soap, super good.'" I just wanted to hear how you thought the Bible advocated such an idea, because I started thinking about it and I didn't know for sure. There must be some sort of special position an idea in the Bible to be given the special title of kingdomist principle, right? Or else I think having wine (or beer) with dinner should also be added to kingdomist principle list and followed diligently.
That's right. The bible says EVERYTHIING in moderation. And that means EVERYTHING!
Kingdomist Principle reguarding beer and wine: Wine and beer may be drunk with dinner or any other time providing the drinking of said alcohol does not create an offense to anyone present (ex. recovering alcoholics, weak tea-totters, people whose father shot himself in a drunken rage) and is done in moderation as to not cause one to sin. Discression (wisdom and consideration) should be used at all times but false religious rules may not be implemented at anytime.
You don't get God doing new things? Didn't you read the Scriptures I quoted?
It's not that old people have a hard time understanding new ideas, it's just that they have been through the "new idea" phase of life and they think they've got life figured out. So when new ideas come along, they don't see the need for them.
And about hippies: they're cool. There are tons of them in Alaska. It's all about love, baby, all about love. Peace out.
Dad helped my write this. He wanted some of the credit. Expecially the part about the hippies.
Kingdomist Principle reguarding beer and wine: Wine and beer may be drunk with dinner or any other time providing the drinking of said alcohol does not create an offense to anyone present (ex. recovering alcoholics, weak tea-totters, people whose father shot himself in a drunken rage) and is done in moderation as to not cause one to sin. Discression (wisdom and consideration) should be used at all times but false religious rules may not be implemented at anytime.
You don't get God doing new things? Didn't you read the Scriptures I quoted?
It's not that old people have a hard time understanding new ideas, it's just that they have been through the "new idea" phase of life and they think they've got life figured out. So when new ideas come along, they don't see the need for them.
And about hippies: they're cool. There are tons of them in Alaska. It's all about love, baby, all about love. Peace out.
Dad helped my write this. He wanted some of the credit. Expecially the part about the hippies.
I read those scriptures and without looking up each entire passage for context I believe they are talking specifically about the Messiah's mellenial kingdom, salvation or Jesus is talking and he gets to do anything he wants so I don't see anything new going on that would be somehow easier for a young person grasp.
I'm not saying that the new things of God are "easier" to grasp for young people. I'm saying that youth usually are more willing to entertain new ideas or concepts or ways of doing things. And since I see from Scripture that "newness" seems to be something God is into, that those who are a little more set in our ways (usually older folk) should be willing to listen to and get inspiration from those with new ideas.
Also, those new ideas are sometimes merely recycled "been there-done that" subjects and sometimes they are just plain stupid. That's when the "new thinkers" should be willing to listen to the "been there done that" group and be willing to receive direction from them.
I'm trying to say that the inspiration of youthfulness and the wisdom of experience should meld together instead of work against one another. It's the Body of Christ healthy and functioning as a unit.
Also, those new ideas are sometimes merely recycled "been there-done that" subjects and sometimes they are just plain stupid. That's when the "new thinkers" should be willing to listen to the "been there done that" group and be willing to receive direction from them.
I'm trying to say that the inspiration of youthfulness and the wisdom of experience should meld together instead of work against one another. It's the Body of Christ healthy and functioning as a unit.
Well, I'm not sure you mean my new ideas and such and I also don't what it means for God to be into newness but it does put me on gaurd when you talk like that.
Makeing a no generation gap principle based on what the Bible teaches about the body of Christ seems like a better way to go to me.
Makeing a no generation gap principle based on what the Bible teaches about the body of Christ seems like a better way to go to me.
Here's another way to say it.
Young people need to be cautious. They love to go after new ideas. I don't believe God is "against" this, as he talks in His Word about doing new things quite often, however there is a danger in following after every new whim that comes along. Therfore, Godly wisdom (which many times is possesed by those who have lived a little longer) can help bring direction to the young and energetic.
And, older people need to be careful not to grow stuborn and set in their ways. It's true, they probably have gained alot of Wisdom from their experience, but they can get stale and hardened if they don't keep a fesh outlook. New ideas can give alot of inspiration to those who can discern wisely.
Young people need to be cautious. They love to go after new ideas. I don't believe God is "against" this, as he talks in His Word about doing new things quite often, however there is a danger in following after every new whim that comes along. Therfore, Godly wisdom (which many times is possesed by those who have lived a little longer) can help bring direction to the young and energetic.
And, older people need to be careful not to grow stuborn and set in their ways. It's true, they probably have gained alot of Wisdom from their experience, but they can get stale and hardened if they don't keep a fesh outlook. New ideas can give alot of inspiration to those who can discern wisely.
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