Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Mupu Grill

If youwant to try a great resturaunt, try Mupu Grill in Santa Paula. Really great food, way huge portions, and the service is better than anywhere I've ever been. On Wednesdays they have a 2 for 1 tri-tip dinner that looks awesome. Tonight we shared 4 huge appetizers with 2 of our favorite people, Tom and Suzie: stuffed avocado, potatoe skins, sauted mushrooms and buffalo wings. That and 7 drinks (there were 4 of us) cost only 44 dollars!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
...held together by what every joint supplies...
"Mama Jac. I go potty in the potty!"
Those are the words I heard over the phone last Saturday when Levi was about 6 hours into his first potty training day. My heart melted. By the end of the "conversation" tears were streaming down my face. As I hung up the phone I realized that in the 3 weeks of frustration over my broken bones and nonfunctional elbow, I have not had one single ocassion where I felt like crying about it. Yet a simple 3 minute call from my grandbaby easily reduced me to a blubbering mess.
We yearn for true relationship and all that it brings. And I think we cry about things that touch our hearts. My arm problem is a nuisance or at best, an object lesson, but my grandbaby is a living piece of me, my life, my heart. My relationship with Levi (and with others) is a "joint" that supplies the nourishment that holds us together. If the cohesive properties of any component of our physical bodies were to be compromised, our bodies would become disjointed and sick. Kind of like a broken bone. But when our parts are joined together properly, health and healing flows. God sure knew what he was doing when he spoke of the "Body of Christ". We are held one to another by that which every joint supplies. I just love that!
Those are the words I heard over the phone last Saturday when Levi was about 6 hours into his first potty training day. My heart melted. By the end of the "conversation" tears were streaming down my face. As I hung up the phone I realized that in the 3 weeks of frustration over my broken bones and nonfunctional elbow, I have not had one single ocassion where I felt like crying about it. Yet a simple 3 minute call from my grandbaby easily reduced me to a blubbering mess.
We yearn for true relationship and all that it brings. And I think we cry about things that touch our hearts. My arm problem is a nuisance or at best, an object lesson, but my grandbaby is a living piece of me, my life, my heart. My relationship with Levi (and with others) is a "joint" that supplies the nourishment that holds us together. If the cohesive properties of any component of our physical bodies were to be compromised, our bodies would become disjointed and sick. Kind of like a broken bone. But when our parts are joined together properly, health and healing flows. God sure knew what he was doing when he spoke of the "Body of Christ". We are held one to another by that which every joint supplies. I just love that!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Lessons Learned?
Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a Father the son in whom he delights.
I'm not a theologian so I may be way off here, but I'm wondering if this Scripture means that when you break your elbow all up, then your doctors mention how fast you are healing, so (instead of being thankful to God) you start bragging to people that you have ninja healing powers (like your teenage sons used to do) God just might allow you to catch a really bad flu and larengitus, that feels worse than the broken bones, just to shut you up long enough to get your attention. So...
I just want to say how thankful I am to God for the relatively quick healing I'm experiencing and the things I am learning along the way. Also, Im sorry I said I had ninja powers. I don't think I do.
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