Thursday, January 25, 2007

I have a question...

The other day I heard that a missionary from an area somewhere near China said that the people in "his" country were praying for persecution for the American church. The implication was that "we" (Western Christians) do not have a clue what Christianity is all about because we live such easy lives, and that if we could suffer a little, we would learn. I've heard things like this before but, it didn't sit right with me. Maybe because I AM a spoiled American, but it just doesn't seem right to pray for someone else to be persecuted. Kind of like hoping that the cut on your hand gets infected just so your hand can learn some lessons. I don't know. I do know that hardship can bring growth but, on to my question...
What is it that we Americans lack that can only be aquired through persecution or poverty? Because if this is true, that we can only have this quality through persecution, then we here in America are truly hopeless. Is there no way to be a "true" Christian without this persecution that others are reportedly wishing on us? Should I give everything away and go live in the Sudan just for the sake of suffering, or is it possible to become a "true, authentic, real, genuine Christian" even though I have been subjected to Western prosperity? Is Western prosperity it's own adversity with difficult challenges of its own?
I know I live an easy life, and I know I battle laziness and selfishness, sometimes more than others. But I get tired of people using the term "Western Christians" as if it's a disease. But maybe that's just because I'm being defensive. If so I want to change. If not, I wish they'd shutup.

Yes, I've heard various versions of this too.

While I don't necessarily think that it's a great idea to pray for persecution, I do also see their point to some degree; Jesus said himself that it's difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom.

There are real good reasons to dislike the "easy Chrisitianity" model; it isn't just jealousy or the desire for it to be harder for us to make us more dependent on God rather than ourselves, although the latter is a good one.

I think it's also a recognition that a nation that's so full of people who call themselves "Christians" should be doing much more good in His name than we are, and perhaps if we weren't so fat and comfortable we would be, and that's probably one of the main things the rest of the world sees.
Yeah, I realize that alot of wealthy folk (the world over)are quite selfish with their "stuff". But I also know that the North American church (and other assistance organizations) gives kagillions of dollars and sends millions of people for the purpose of aid to the needy of the world. So who's telling the rest of the christian world that the christians in the West are so selfish and lazy?
But even if the perception is accurate, is it impossible to become unselfish and ambitious (for the Kingdom) without being born into poverty and persecution? Are we here in America doomed to be mean, self serving, greedy guts whether we like it or not? Or is it just a reputation that we can't live down no matter how hard we try?
I wouldn't wreck myself over somethings someone told me someone said without knowing the whole context and the entire statement. If all you know is that someone told you some dude in China said he prays for American Christians to be persecuted then fine. He said it now who cares. Maybe his friends he was having a conversation with, but not me. All we are going get trying to figure out a comment with such little substance is how it supports our pet issue or validates our narcissistic guilt.

"Is Western prosperity it's own adversity with difficult challenges of its own?"

Of course, but it seems kinda selfish to want to give up on the situation God's placed you in order to make it easier to be "true, authentic, real." I think a better question might be how we can best serve God? If it's giving away all our stuff to go serve Him in a foreign land then that's what we need to do.
Yeah. I was reading Melanie's blog and realized in my comment that I had forgotten my life's decision, which is to live for HIM and HIS KINGDOM no matter where I was born (Glendale, Ca, by the way) where I am now or where he takes me. I guess I am just being defensive. I don't like narcicistic, that really hurts;)
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