Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Kirby and Kirby say HI!

Hi Conrad and Levi!
Just wanted to let you know that we are taking good care of Kirby and Kirby. They miss you and hope to see you soon.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Grumpy Grannies!

Is it just me or are old ladies getting grouchier as the days go by? I've actually been thinking about and observing this for a while and begging my kids to put me out if "their" misery when I start acting like a complete self absorbed ass, as appears to be typical for old grannies.
(hopefully that hasn't happened yet)
So today, I'm driving home for lunch break. I'm at a big intersection waiting for the light to turn green. It does. I begin to pull out, evidently not quickly enough for Ol' Lead Foot behind me. I promise you, she had to be at least 80. You know, short, hardly could see over the steering wheel, white poofy hair, gnarly little fingers. So she honks at me this long angry honk. I look back and get amused, so as I cross the intersection, I casually wave at her, all five fingers, by the way. I just though it was kind of funny. Well, she was going so slow that it took her about a mile and a half to catch up to me, but when she did she pulled up beside me and used those bony old fingers to flip me off! Her weezin'ed up old friend was over there rolling her eyes at me. I thought that was even funnier, but I guess she didn't. She pulled up a little bit more and proceeded to come right into my lane running me off the road! She almost touched my car and she wasn't going away. I had to swerve into the next lane, but then I got mad and decided not to move. I started honking and everyone was looking at her like she was a nut. I finally let her in, then looped around her and got next to her a pretended to use my cell phone. (I though she might think I was calling the cops, like a smart alek whipper snapper would). She must have because she put on her brakes right there in the middle lane and slowed down to about 20 mph. I would have pestered her some more, but I didn't want to waste my lunch time.
But, what's up with that. Come on old grannies! Lighten up! Do we all get like that? God, I hope not!
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