Monday, April 02, 2007
Camping List: Hairy Back? Check.

Anyway, we had a great time in Death Valley, even if we did mention how we wished the rest of the family was there at least every 15 minutes or so. We got to spend some much needed quiet time. And there is ALOT of quiet in Death Valley. It always makes me kind of sad when we go down there and I see everything named after the enemy of our souls. Devil's this and Hell's that. I mean, I understand how it happened, it is very harsh and rugged. But when you look closely you realized how amazing God is to have created a place like Death Valley. It just makes me appreciate His creativity, His beauty, His greatness. And it helps me put my little (yet precious to God) life into perspective.
We spent alot of time this weekend reading a book called The Barbarian Way. I recommend it wholeheartedly. We don't know what to do with what We've read yet, but in our lives of transitioning from child raising to other stuff ???? we know God is calling us further. To what, we don't really know. Maybe just a day-to-day, "what do you want me to do this very day?" life style, or maybe something else. We'll see.
By the way, that's NOT Randy's back pictured above. I just found it on the internet when I googled "hairy man" (I don't recommend doing that, by the way). His is much tanner!!! I promised him I'd let everyone know that.
Labels: death valley
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I was going to say wow, I can't believe she posted a picture of that. So funny! That does seem like a dangerous search to do. Ew. I bet Randy's is minimal to some out there. Would love to hear more about the book. xo
Your too funny! Anyway the beauty of this world always amazes me also. I can only imagine what it was like before the fall. I'm with Martha about wanting to here more about the book not that I will have time to read it.
I was scared when I saw the picture...I had to convince myself to read the post!
Jr's back will get lasered in his sleep if he acquires any more hair on it than he has now (not that much, a few strays).
I looked up "Barbarian Way" on the internet and it sounds like a really good book. That's the one you were talking about in the car the other night, right? You didn't give us the name, just that it was written by that McManus guy. Sounds like the same book though. Good stuff.
Jr's back will get lasered in his sleep if he acquires any more hair on it than he has now (not that much, a few strays).
I looked up "Barbarian Way" on the internet and it sounds like a really good book. That's the one you were talking about in the car the other night, right? You didn't give us the name, just that it was written by that McManus guy. Sounds like the same book though. Good stuff.
You should write a book! You are so funny, insightful, and well, funny!
Glad you cleared up the 'NOT' Randy's back question, it had me a wee bit creeped out. Not that there's anything wrong with HB syndrom, God loves them too and has a plan for their lives!
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Glad you cleared up the 'NOT' Randy's back question, it had me a wee bit creeped out. Not that there's anything wrong with HB syndrom, God loves them too and has a plan for their lives!
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