Sunday, October 02, 2005

Royal Pardon for Convicted Road-Killers

I have rethunked my decision concerning Randy being a serial road-killer, for a few reasons.

So, I said all that to say this: I have given Randy (and all the rest of you who have seeminly murdered innocent road varmints) a Royal Pardon due to the fact that I don't really have all the facts. Let's have a party!!! Varmint stew for everyone!

Spiders must have testosterone, if they will travel many miles to find a new girl, even though there are probably several within arm's (legs) reach. or maybe they're visionaries, willing to strike out and make the journey to find God's best for their lives.
Males of all species can not be held accountable for their actions. Either testosterone made 'em do it or else God made 'em do it.
I think that it's a good thing to give Randy a pardon. I mean, do we condemn the guy who hits the switch on electric chairs? Randy is just doing his job (driving) and the little rodents and gross thingys are just are playing with fire. Hormones or not, it's definitely the spiders fault. Spiders are stupid.
Actually, a lot of people do condem the guy who throws the switch, so you should probably come up with a new analogy.
i kind of have trouble with the guy who throws the switch. but i wouldn't mind it if he ran over a tarantula.
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