Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Do You Have A BIBLICAL World View?

I have heard alot about "World View" in the last several years, and I always figured I, of course, had a Biblical/Christian one. But I just realized when I was trying to talk about it to a friend, I really didn't know the definition. So I have been checking around and have found that there is a definite criteria for the Biblical World View.
Here’s how the Barna Group defines such a life perspective. One believes:
- that absolute moral truth exists
- that the source of moral truth is the Bible
- that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches
- that eternal spiritual salvation cannot be earned
- that Jesus lived a sinless life on earth
- that every person has a responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others
- that Satan is a living force, not just a symbol of evil
- that God is the all-knowing, all-powerful maker of the universe who still rules that creation today
What about you?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Noisy Kids In A Little Sedan? No Problem!
So, we had the end of summer sleep over last Saturday night, with our adorable niece and nephews. On our way to visit the Tide Pools we had a little talk.
Me: Now children, we're going to have a science lesson.
Kids: OK.
Me: You know how inches measure length?
Kids: Yeah.
Me: You know how pounds measure weight?
Christian: Yeah. (The other two already checked out)
Me: You know how degrees measure temperature.
Christian: Yeeeeeeees?
Me: Well, there is this measurement called decibels. It measures sound, children. And did you know that here in Ventura it's illegal to have your car stereo above a certain number of decibels?
Christian: Really?
Me: Yes. Let's say it's like 100 decibels.
(Really, I have no idea the appropriate # for comfortable listening.)
Me: So here in our little car, we're going to make a law. You can't go over 100 decibels. So when ever you get too loud, I'll remind you about the 100 decibel law.
Kids: Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! (at the top of their lungs)
(Actually I think they were already preparing to test out how loud 100 really is!)
To make a long story not quite so long, we had a fantasic time. We saw the tide pools, visited the USS Ronald Reagan, hit the Circle K, ordered pizza, made cookies, created sticker pictures, played chess and mancala, and took a night time walk to the river bank.
How did the decibel lecture work out? On Sunday, we bought a mini-van!
Me: Now children, we're going to have a science lesson.
Kids: OK.
Me: You know how inches measure length?
Kids: Yeah.
Me: You know how pounds measure weight?
Christian: Yeah. (The other two already checked out)
Me: You know how degrees measure temperature.
Christian: Yeeeeeeees?
Me: Well, there is this measurement called decibels. It measures sound, children. And did you know that here in Ventura it's illegal to have your car stereo above a certain number of decibels?
Christian: Really?
Me: Yes. Let's say it's like 100 decibels.
(Really, I have no idea the appropriate # for comfortable listening.)
Me: So here in our little car, we're going to make a law. You can't go over 100 decibels. So when ever you get too loud, I'll remind you about the 100 decibel law.
Kids: Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! (at the top of their lungs)
(Actually I think they were already preparing to test out how loud 100 really is!)
To make a long story not quite so long, we had a fantasic time. We saw the tide pools, visited the USS Ronald Reagan, hit the Circle K, ordered pizza, made cookies, created sticker pictures, played chess and mancala, and took a night time walk to the river bank.
How did the decibel lecture work out? On Sunday, we bought a mini-van!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
kenny needs new underwear
it shouldn't be this hard.
we have stores at every corner. i have a credit card. i have a car. so what's the big deal about getting the kid a new bag of boxers?
one problem is that he needs a certain kind. i don't know what they are and i don't want to know, but i know if i tried to pick them up myself, i'd get the wrong thing. the other problem is that he doesn't have the credit card and the car. sure he could order them off the internet but then we'd have to pay $5.00 shipping on a a little 3 oz. package. and who knows what else he might purchase "accidentally" while on the underwear web site.
so that means we're stuck with having to go out in the evening. but we're almost never in the same place at the same time anymore. and if we are it's because we are attending some event. sheeeeeesh! how can something so mundane, become such a big problem?
so anyway, does anyone have any undewear kenny can borrow? because he starts school next monday!
my life is so complicated.
we have stores at every corner. i have a credit card. i have a car. so what's the big deal about getting the kid a new bag of boxers?
one problem is that he needs a certain kind. i don't know what they are and i don't want to know, but i know if i tried to pick them up myself, i'd get the wrong thing. the other problem is that he doesn't have the credit card and the car. sure he could order them off the internet but then we'd have to pay $5.00 shipping on a a little 3 oz. package. and who knows what else he might purchase "accidentally" while on the underwear web site.
so that means we're stuck with having to go out in the evening. but we're almost never in the same place at the same time anymore. and if we are it's because we are attending some event. sheeeeeesh! how can something so mundane, become such a big problem?
so anyway, does anyone have any undewear kenny can borrow? because he starts school next monday!
my life is so complicated.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Did you hear that, Mr. Craft?
I heard the Space Shuttle come back to earth early this morning. After I woke up and my mom reminded me what it was, the first thing I thought of was my friend, Mr. Craft. I remember the last time a shuttle landed at Edwards, I couldn't wait to ask Mr. Craft if he had heard the "BOOM"! He had, of course, and had all the scientific explanations to go with it. He loved that kind of stuff. He was a great guy, and even after all this time, hearing the boom made me cry.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Now, That's Good Politics!
Here's my favorite current political issue. Daylight Savings Time. There is an article on which says that law makers have agreed to extend daylight savings time. It will start 2 weeks earlier in the Spring, and end one week later in the Fall.
I think it's kind of funny that we trick ourselves into thinking the sun is staying up longer anyway, but I really start to lose heart when I read quotes like the one by Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, "The beauty of daylight-saving time is that it just makes everyone feel sunnier," said Markey. Now there's sound legislation!
But hey, we know the real reason for the extension. As Fred Upton, R-Michigan, noted "Kids across the nation will soon rejoice, because they'll have another hour of daylight trick-or-treating."
Well, glad to know our lawmakers are putting their time and salaries to good use. Oh, and of course they approved a nice big "study" to find out if we really will be saving any money on energy by doing this. Well, who cares, the trick or treaters will be "feeling sunny" and that's what's really special about Daylight Savings Time!
I think it's kind of funny that we trick ourselves into thinking the sun is staying up longer anyway, but I really start to lose heart when I read quotes like the one by Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, "The beauty of daylight-saving time is that it just makes everyone feel sunnier," said Markey. Now there's sound legislation!
But hey, we know the real reason for the extension. As Fred Upton, R-Michigan, noted "Kids across the nation will soon rejoice, because they'll have another hour of daylight trick-or-treating."
Well, glad to know our lawmakers are putting their time and salaries to good use. Oh, and of course they approved a nice big "study" to find out if we really will be saving any money on energy by doing this. Well, who cares, the trick or treaters will be "feeling sunny" and that's what's really special about Daylight Savings Time!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The Mummy

so. i oppened the coffin and examined the mummy. i had to smash the bean shell with needle nose pliers, then pick out the mummified worm with a staple remover. (you use what the office has to offer) inside, i found a hard dried up little worm, about 1/4" long. dead, of course. i can only deduce that the rest of the 5 are dead too. i was just wondering how this race of people survives since as long as i've been around every border town in mexico, california, arizona, new mexico and texas, have been selling these little cocoons by the truck load to every little tourist who comes along.
in one of my next blogs i will be discussing the new political activist group: CAEMJB-
Citizens Against the Exploitation of Mexican Jumping Beans.
Where is the fiscal accountablility among Mexican Jumping Bean venders? Is harvesting of Jumping Beans for profit ethical? And the ultimate, Where does all the Mexican Jumping Bean Profit go? You'll be suprised to find out. Don't miss this!
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