Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This happened a while ago, but I haven't talked about it much, so here it is.
A few weeks ago, Randy and I were visiting Son #2. We were sitting down to dinner and Son #2 asked HIS son if he would like to pray. Oh brother! I expected a sigh and a pair of pleading eyes begging to be let off the hook. That wasn't the case. Grandson #1 was eager. He happily said, "Yeah!"
OK. Now what? "Thanks for the food. Please don't let it be gross. Let me get to stay up late. " ???
No. That's not what he said. It was more like this. "Thank you for loving us. Thank you for giving us good food to eat. I'm glad Mama Jac and Papa came to visit. " He talked to God as if they were friends. It was as if we weren't even there. He sounded authentically grateful.
Why am I talking about this? Bragging? My grandson is holy-er than yours?
Well, no. He's a regular little kid. But, what Papa and I realized is this: Our little grandson, whom we love with all of our hearts, will be spending eternity praising our Loving Father together with us!
There is a certain level of significance that is achieved by careers, inventions, and accomplishments. True. But every human achievement pales in comparison with the impartation of the saving power of God's love to the next generation. No invention, high powered career, or any other human accomplishment can compare with this legacy!
You want to do something meaningful with your life? Share your faith in Jesus Christ with the next generation.
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Standing for the Family
It's starting at 9:00 AM at Epic on Johnson Drive in Ventura.
We're going to have some worship and prayer ministry time with Dusty and Tom. Phil Elston and Suzie Brock will be sharing with men and women respectively. Randy and I will be having a kind of "round table" about parenting stuff. Then there will be more worship and prayer.
The daytime session will go till about 1:00. That night, we're going to have a full on praise and worship time at the same place @ 6:30.
Standing for the Family - here's the idea...
- The Family was God's idea; He had a reason and we have a purpose.
- We all have a need for significance and belonging; The Family answers those needs.
- The Family has a mission on this earth: to depict the nature of God to a needy world and to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God
- The Family is under attack; it always has been.
- What can families do to over come these attacks and be what God has intended for us to be?
Y'all Come! Spread the word!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I've been duped!

Of course we had to decide whether to get a 10 or 12 cup capacity carafe. We decided on 10. Really , when would we ever be drinking more than 10 c ups of coffee at one time anyway. Got home, set it up, ran a few pots of water through to clean it out, started wondering how you could really get 10 cups out of that little pot, measured the amount of liquid in the pot: 64 oz! I'm not that great in math, but do know that there are 8 ounces in a cup, and 8 times 10 equals 80. So shouldn't I be able to get 80 fluid ounces into that carafe? Well, no. After a little research, I find that a "customary" cup of coffee is 5.5 ounces. Who made that up? Obviously someone who doesn't really like coffee. Maybe someone who sips from a dainty cup with their pinky out. My cups hold at least 12 ounces each, except for the one I got in Alaska which is a full 18 ounces. (You know, as big as the state of...)
So I guess that means our new coffee maker is a 3.5 cupper. I feel like such a fool.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ONE Issue
"I'm not voting for a Man....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pics of Annie
The correct spellig of Annie's name is is Lianna Joy. These young whipper-snappers! You never know what new spellings they're gonna come up with! So, here she is! Nate without the dark eyebrows! Beautiful!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Welcome to the world, Annie!
It was fun taking the boys (Levi and Conrad) to see their new baby sister. Levi (age 4) spent some time sitting on the bed with Kristen, holding Annie. When we got in the car Levi said, "when I was holding my new baby sister, I was so comfortable!" He and Conrad are so excited! So are we!!
I'm having a big problem downloading pictures to this bloggity-blogg site. Too bad. She's really cute. But then, I'm the grandma.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
An Interesting Human Phenomenon

Heard this story the other day...
There was once this guy who woke up one morning. He had had a dream that he had died. He looked around and saw everything as it was, but decided that the dream was true. He told his wife that he would not be needing breakfast because he was dead. She was a bit amused, but she didn't fix breakfast that morning. As the day went on, the man kept insisting that he was dead. He had not need to get dressed, brush his teeth, go to work, etc. He was dead, after all.
After two days of this, the wife was no longer amused. She was concerned, so she made an appointment at the psychiatrist to have her husband evaluated. The man went through the same litany as before until the psychiatrist decided to reason with the man. He took him to the morgue. He showed him a dead body. He discussed the different body systems that cease to function when a body has died, especially focusing on the circulatory system. The man was in full agreement that "dead men do not bleed". They even went so far as to poke the dead body's finger to see if blood could be drawn and of course, no blood came. The man was not surprised because, as he reiterated, "dead men do not bleed!" Now was the time for the psychiatrist to prove his point. He took a clean needle and quickly poked the man's finger and immediately a blood drop formed.
The man stared in amazement! He was nearly speechless. Finally he said in awe, "I guess dead men DO bleed."
I'm learning more and more each day (especially in light of all the election year debates), that we "choose" to believe something, then we fit the FACTS into our belief. I just pray that as we make our belief-choices, we would measure each "belief" with the unchanging Word of God. The ones that don't fit with the facts of the Word, change or discard. The ones that do, hold on to them tightly.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cousin Camp '08
There are alot of things I would like to do better next year, especially as the kid are getting older and their interests are changing, but still... the time together was wonderful. The object lesson of the weekend was: relationships are like Bagel Bites, like tacos, like ice cream sandwiches, whatever. The point: our relationships are important. We are family, and we need to care for one another. Each person adds their own flavor to the recipe of life, and as we combine our flavors we make a pretty great tasting dish.
I think the best part of the weekend was the boat ride we took out in the Ventura Harbor. Age didn't matter, everyone had fun. And everyone got a chance to "drive". It was also great having Randy and Kristi hang out with us off and on. (Another important relationship.)
Note to self: Next spring, don't even think about not scheduling Cousin Camp.
We really enjoyed our 2 new campers, Avery and Conrad, and Special Honorable Mention goes to Emma Bangs! Camp Counselor Extraordinaire!
Hope all the moms and dads had a nice peaceful weekend. They're all yours now!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Something to think about...
"What is the message in these surprise effects? Science is tentative at best. Consensus is no measure of factuality. Even long trusted scientific theories can be challenged by anomalies. As Thomas Kuhn and subsequent philosophers of science have pointed out, scientist typically work withing paradigms, or accepted explanatory frameworks. Anomalies are surprises that don't fit the paradigm. When too many anomalies accumulate, a scientific revolution may occur, and a new paradigm may take its place. If you compromise the Bible with the latest paradigm, your positions could become a casualty of the next one. The Bible has outlasted a great many paradigms. Considering its Author, that's no surprise. " David Coppedge, Cassini Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The heavens declare the work of the Lord, the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaian 55:8-9
If God is revealing Himself through his creation, I guess it follows that we'll probably never get it all figured out. Like some guy said, "We don't know what we don't know."
Just a random thought.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Woo-hoo! We're Free

This week Americans celebrate their wonderful freedom! Freedom is a way of life here in
I think the same is true of our Spiritual freedom. Do we truly realize how “free” we really are? John 8:36 says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!” And according to the New Testament, we can celebrate our freedom from…
…deception, slavery to sin, the law of sin and death, mental and spiritual bondage, the fear of man, concern, accusations, the fear of death, the love of money, judgment, the requirements of man (just to name a few)! These are not small things! We should be rejoicing in our liberty every day of our lives!
So this year as we celebrate our freedoms, let’s not only think about our political freedoms in America; but lets commit ourselves to living a life of appreciation and gratitude for the incredible freedoms we have in Christ Jesus! Let’s sing the song Miriam sang when the people of
He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Here's a Great Quote

Robert Boyle, Father of Modern Chemistry 1627-1691
I had to look up the words unimitable (unable to be imitated) and subtility (extreme acutenes, skill, craft) which made me love the quote even more.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Why is "The Family" so important?
I like what this guy has to say:
"If our society has a cancer, we have to treat that cancer at the cellular level. What's the fundamental cell of society? It's the family. What is the nucleus of the cell? What is the very core of the family? What's the origin of the family? The intimate embrace of a husband and wife. That's where babies come from. This is not only a biological truth, it's a theological truth. It points to God and his mystery of love and his plan for our lives. If that nucleus, if that cell, is harmed, is distorted, is diseased, the whole body, the whole civilization, will be diseased. Restoration of God's plan for marriage and family is critical if we are to rebuild civilization."
Christopher West
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ready for the business world...

I just thought this was cute. Here is Conrad with his hair all slicked down and his pink ear piece, ready to take on wall street. How metro.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I think Levi's a democrat.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
2 Cool Animals
I love it when I find unusual and interesting animals right in my own neighborhood. Well, pretty close, anyway. On our trip up the central coast near San Simeon last weekend we discovered hundreds of elephant seals parked right there on the beach! We walked out on the cliffs and got a few not-too-great shots. But they were awesome to see face to face. They're huge! Then on the way to Jalama Beach we spotted a bobcat just sitting right in the middle of a field!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
My Best Christmas Ever
It started with Thanksgiving and the 58 friends and family we had over to celebrate God's kindness toward us.
Gingerbread home construction was alot of fun too, with Jared, Randy and Hayley introducing our first Gingerbread MotorHome!
The school events went well, with minimal stress on teachers and staff. Parents were blessed and the kids had fun. That's what that's all about!
Christmas Eve was beautiful! The cookie baking with Levi and Conrad was a wonderful mess, the moon was full, the food was delish, the presents were moderate, the family mission project was a success, the kind words were abundant, the "peer group" game was a blast! Whew!
Christmas morning at the pier was stunning. Everyone on the promenade was friendly and cheerful and the Bangs kids had fun on the beach. Yummy sweet rolls and monkey bread too! Then it was off to Santa Barbara for lunch at Marvilla with Meme and Scott. Peaceful and pleasant.
Yep. I think this one was my favorite!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
That's My King!
That's my King
Friday, November 30, 2007
Deputy John E. Burt
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Messiah's Mansion

Anyway, it was so interesting to see all the items of the courtyard and the sanctuary, but what was really moving was hearing how each item and ritual pointed to our Savior, Jesus Christ. The tour guides are high school students, and to hear the passion in our guide's voice as he shared that Jesus was the fulfillment of every requirement of the law was just awesome!
Everyone should come see this. Kid's included. I'll be there to welcome you if you come on Monday or Friday between 5 and 7!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Uhmm... he's 3!?
Levi and Papa were setting up the train set this weekend. After they got it all put together, Papa showed Levi how to hook the trains up and make them go. Levi worked on it for a while and got it pretty well figured out. I realized he had achieved victory when I heard him scream, "Let it go, Baby!" as his train made the first trip around the track.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
No Jokey! My new favorite park!
We took this drive yesterday. I was sick of the smell of ashes, so we headed for the coast and then north. We stopped in at Refugio Beach campsite to check it out in case it looked good for camping, but the dork (excuse me) ranger wouldn't let us go in! He said that the sites were filled and they really don't let people drive around in there. Right! When did that start? He also said that if we come by in the middle of the week we "probably would have a pretty good chance of going in to take a look around". Just when I was starting to tell him, "Yeah, sure. Uh-huh! I'll take a few hours off work to come up here and take a little tour! And what if I'm from out of state? Am I not allowed to see what I'm in for in case I ever want to reserve a site here? I'll just fly in next Tuesday and make an appointment for a tour! And excuse me, Mr. Smokey Green Pants, who pays your salary anyway?" Randy rolled up the window and drove away. He feels he needs to protect the world from me. Whatever. OK. Cool down.
So anyway, we drove up around the Gaviota curve, about 5 miles past that nice rest stop, and took the turn off. You go about 2 miles and come to this cool park. Nojoqui Falls. Ever been there? Lots of sycamore trees, pines, grassy areas, playgrounds, good tables, hawks, woodpeckers, butterflies, deer, and at the end of the park there is a trail that goes up the canyon to the falls. It's my new favorite. Check it out if you are ever traveling North on 101 above Santa Barbara. Don't forget to give Mr. Smokey Green Pants the good luck sign as you pass the Refugio camp station.
I think we should have our next family picnic at No-jokey. Wanna?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hope he reads it right!

Put a skeleton in a box with a note tied to it that says, "You hold the key to my heart."
Wow! I was speechless! I kept trying to figure out how that could be considered romantic, and then just decided it was because of halloween or something. I was laughing at the thought of some stupid husband actually trying it and wondering why his wife didn't fall into his arms.
Oh, wait.... I read it again. It says put a "skeleton key"... Aha. Amazing how much one little word can change things.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Going to the fireworks? Don't forget your helmet!
1.) When he was at our house the other day, I asked him where his dad was. He said, "work". I asked him where his dad worked. He answered, "Space." I asked him what he meant. He said, "Out there in the sky. At the moon. " And he was serious.
2.) I was on the phone to Levi and told him that I had a new stuffed monkey at our house for him to play with. I said that it was big, about 2 feet tall. He say, "Wow. That is so amazing!" I don't know if he was humoring me or really thought it was amazing.
3.) Nate said that they were getting ready to watch the fireworks, and Levi kept trying to put his helmet on. Nate kept taking it off of him, saying that they were not riding bikes, just walking, until Levi finally started to get upset. Come to find out, he was trying to protect himself so the fireworks wouldn't hit him in the head when they came back down.
I love the way kids see things.
What? No Salmon?
That's right. We were told by the locals in Idaho that there really are no Salmon in the Salmon River. I wasn't really surprised, I know that's the case in alot of northern rivers.
Anyway, we had a great time in Idaho and I'm actually starting to enjoy the PEOPLE of the areas we go to as much (more?) as the beauty of the area itself. And believe me, there are some beautiful areas in Idaho. This picture is looking out our hotel balcony at the Salmon River.
Friday, June 22, 2007
I'm gonna write something soon.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Here's a little tip...

If you want to pass a garbage truck, find out which side the driver is sitting on (different trucks, different sides, go figure) and STAY AWAY FROM THAT SIDE! Case in point: Yesterday I did just the opposite. Bad choice. How was I supposed to know that trash truck drivers feel the whole world is open territory for hocking their unwanted loogies (sp?). This one ended up on my windshield!!! Now that is just plain wrong. What if I had been in a convertable or riding a motorcycle. I so wanted to give him the special sign but I found out from Riley the other day that kids who "say" the middle finger get sentences.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Camping List: Hairy Back? Check.

Anyway, we had a great time in Death Valley, even if we did mention how we wished the rest of the family was there at least every 15 minutes or so. We got to spend some much needed quiet time. And there is ALOT of quiet in Death Valley. It always makes me kind of sad when we go down there and I see everything named after the enemy of our souls. Devil's this and Hell's that. I mean, I understand how it happened, it is very harsh and rugged. But when you look closely you realized how amazing God is to have created a place like Death Valley. It just makes me appreciate His creativity, His beauty, His greatness. And it helps me put my little (yet precious to God) life into perspective.
We spent alot of time this weekend reading a book called The Barbarian Way. I recommend it wholeheartedly. We don't know what to do with what We've read yet, but in our lives of transitioning from child raising to other stuff ???? we know God is calling us further. To what, we don't really know. Maybe just a day-to-day, "what do you want me to do this very day?" life style, or maybe something else. We'll see.
By the way, that's NOT Randy's back pictured above. I just found it on the internet when I googled "hairy man" (I don't recommend doing that, by the way). His is much tanner!!! I promised him I'd let everyone know that.
Labels: death valley
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Kirby and Kirby say HI!

Hi Conrad and Levi!
Just wanted to let you know that we are taking good care of Kirby and Kirby. They miss you and hope to see you soon.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Grumpy Grannies!

Is it just me or are old ladies getting grouchier as the days go by? I've actually been thinking about and observing this for a while and begging my kids to put me out if "their" misery when I start acting like a complete self absorbed ass, as appears to be typical for old grannies.
(hopefully that hasn't happened yet)
So today, I'm driving home for lunch break. I'm at a big intersection waiting for the light to turn green. It does. I begin to pull out, evidently not quickly enough for Ol' Lead Foot behind me. I promise you, she had to be at least 80. You know, short, hardly could see over the steering wheel, white poofy hair, gnarly little fingers. So she honks at me this long angry honk. I look back and get amused, so as I cross the intersection, I casually wave at her, all five fingers, by the way. I just though it was kind of funny. Well, she was going so slow that it took her about a mile and a half to catch up to me, but when she did she pulled up beside me and used those bony old fingers to flip me off! Her weezin'ed up old friend was over there rolling her eyes at me. I thought that was even funnier, but I guess she didn't. She pulled up a little bit more and proceeded to come right into my lane running me off the road! She almost touched my car and she wasn't going away. I had to swerve into the next lane, but then I got mad and decided not to move. I started honking and everyone was looking at her like she was a nut. I finally let her in, then looped around her and got next to her a pretended to use my cell phone. (I though she might think I was calling the cops, like a smart alek whipper snapper would). She must have because she put on her brakes right there in the middle lane and slowed down to about 20 mph. I would have pestered her some more, but I didn't want to waste my lunch time.
But, what's up with that. Come on old grannies! Lighten up! Do we all get like that? God, I hope not!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I have a question...
What is it that we Americans lack that can only be aquired through persecution or poverty? Because if this is true, that we can only have this quality through persecution, then we here in America are truly hopeless. Is there no way to be a "true" Christian without this persecution that others are reportedly wishing on us? Should I give everything away and go live in the Sudan just for the sake of suffering, or is it possible to become a "true, authentic, real, genuine Christian" even though I have been subjected to Western prosperity? Is Western prosperity it's own adversity with difficult challenges of its own?
I know I live an easy life, and I know I battle laziness and selfishness, sometimes more than others. But I get tired of people using the term "Western Christians" as if it's a disease. But maybe that's just because I'm being defensive. If so I want to change. If not, I wish they'd shutup.
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